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Monday, September 7, 2015

What is to be done?

What is to be done? What is to be done about the state of affairs that this world has found itself in? What is to be done about the sickeness, pain and suffering of refugees, war torn communities, broken families? What are we to do about the women who feel that they have no where to turn when faced with an unwanted pregnancy, so they go to someone who will "fix" their little "problem"? What in the world are we to do about poverty, drugs, gun violence, racism, homosexuality, biogotry, persecution, famine, scandal and heartbreak? If. If we look at the state of the world and bemoan the sucking mire that we ourselves have put our fellow human beings in, if we see that there is bleakness and darkness all around us, if we can see that there needs to be a way out, what do we do? We try to find a program, a candidate, a policy, a slogan.  Occupy this, take down that, catch phrases and empty political posturing that mean what? We try to find a person to pour all of our hopes in (only so much as they conform to what the "majority" thinks of their solutions for the problems) only for four years on down the road they are seen as a dissapointment, a compromiser, a hardliner incapable of compromise, a weakling, a warmongerer.  It is true. The system we have created is broken, and always has been. There is a very Pelagian taste to the democratic process. We try to find a way to pull ourselves up by our own bootstraps. Futility, vanity, smoke and vapor.
So what is to be done? What can we do?
Nothing at all.
There is nothing we can do to fix our problem. No program can be conjured up, no perfect candidate that will magically fix all the world's ills. 
So what is to be done?
Look to the Cross.  Look to Christ.  The problem of this world can only be fixed by the One who overcame the World.  We gather together in His hospital for the sick and broken and the Great Physician binds us up and heals all our wounds before sending us out into the world to bring in those who see that they are in need of something More than this world can offer. 
Believe in Him and follow what He has revealed to us in His Word, glorify the God and Creator of the Universe who through His sacrificial life in obedience to His Father has wrought salvation with His own wounded hands for those who would believe in His Name.  We must live in a life of obedience to Him.  Not a lip service of false repentence and emptily percieved moral superiority.  We need to be obedient to His Word, not just the "Do Not". But the radical parts of the whole of Christ's message.  Love of one's enemies, praying for those who we are being persecuted by, reaching out to the poor, orphans, widows.  Taking care of and showing love to everyone, whether we feel they deserve it or not.  That means, the homeless person panhandling by the side of the road that we ignore at the red light.  That means our frenemies at the office. That means ISIS. That means the Republicans and the Democrats.
This world and it's system is broken and failed.  Always has been. Instead of investing so much time and energy into the political process and a personality, we need to look to the Person of Christ as the ONLY remedy for this fallen world.  This means unwavering devotion to Him and what He has commanded us, no matter the consequences. 

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