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Sunday, October 4, 2015

Sophia's Card

Maybe you don't think this is blog worthy, but I do. Sophia made me a card. She didn't have any help or incentive from anyone. She just sat down and made me a card. You may be thinking, so what?

Well, I feel like it is important and here's why. Children don't start out being thoughtful. When babies are born they couldn't care less about you and your needs or your schedule or your feelings. The fact is that all babies are concerned about is themselves, their needs and their feelings. When they are tires they want to be held and rocked to sleep...regardless of whether or not it is convenient for you. When they are hungry, you better act fast or else they'll be sure to make your ears miserable. They want what they want, when they want it, how they want it, plain and simple.

Thoughtfulness and caring about other people is something that you have to teach children as they grow. You may not think that making a card for someone is a grand display of thoughtfulness, but really it is. It was Sophia thinking, 'What is something I can do to make mom smile?' She was thinking of my feelings.

I'm not saying that I've done an amazing job teaching Sophia thoughtfulness and emotional intelligence. I've tried. I've failed a lot. But the grace of God is bigger than my failures as a parent. God is able to use my attempts at parenting to mold and shape Sophia. Seeing her learn how to be thoughtful and caring, despite how lacking I am in those qualities, is a real blessing and something that I am so so thankful for.