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Tuesday, October 6, 2015

This summer Jeff and I took the girls to a Rathbun Family Reunion in Kansas. We've been married 5 years, and this was my first time to meet three of Jeff's aunts, and two of his uncles, as well as a couple of cousins and some extended family. While we were visiting together Aunt Sandie was telling me how she loves to see pictures of Sophia on facebook falling asleep in bizarre positions and places. I recently went back to review how many different places I've caught her sleeping, and it's pretty hilarious! So I've decided to give you some of my favorites.

It all started when she was 6 months old and taking the "Leg Out" to a whole new level. Not only did she have to have one leg out from under the blanket. It had to be all the way out of the crib.

Then she developed "Jacket Pillow" at around 18 months old.
At 2 years old, "Jacket Pillow" transformed into the ever-popular "People Pillow" and this has continued to be a favorite of hers.
And then there was that one time when time out became lights out...
No one wants to sleep alone, so naturally Sophia started sleeping with every single stuffed animal in the house.
One of my all time favorites is the "Stair Sleeper". Yes, that's right. Sleeping at the top of the stairs. Don't worry. We moved her.
And if you thought that the "Stair Sleeper" was scary, just imagine going into your child's bedroom and them being no where to be found. Before calling a search party, you may want to see if you have a "Closet Sleeper".
 If only I could tell you the number of times that I have found Sophia sleeping in her closet.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Sophia's Card

Maybe you don't think this is blog worthy, but I do. Sophia made me a card. She didn't have any help or incentive from anyone. She just sat down and made me a card. You may be thinking, so what?

Well, I feel like it is important and here's why. Children don't start out being thoughtful. When babies are born they couldn't care less about you and your needs or your schedule or your feelings. The fact is that all babies are concerned about is themselves, their needs and their feelings. When they are tires they want to be held and rocked to sleep...regardless of whether or not it is convenient for you. When they are hungry, you better act fast or else they'll be sure to make your ears miserable. They want what they want, when they want it, how they want it, plain and simple.

Thoughtfulness and caring about other people is something that you have to teach children as they grow. You may not think that making a card for someone is a grand display of thoughtfulness, but really it is. It was Sophia thinking, 'What is something I can do to make mom smile?' She was thinking of my feelings.

I'm not saying that I've done an amazing job teaching Sophia thoughtfulness and emotional intelligence. I've tried. I've failed a lot. But the grace of God is bigger than my failures as a parent. God is able to use my attempts at parenting to mold and shape Sophia. Seeing her learn how to be thoughtful and caring, despite how lacking I am in those qualities, is a real blessing and something that I am so so thankful for.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Sophia Will Say the Darnedest Things

I have a habit of posting quotes from Sophia as my Facebook status. She is a hilarious kid, whom I believe, everyone would benefit from knowing, so naturally I've decided to make a post consisting of Sophia's quotes.

June 19th
Convo with Sophia from tonight:
S: (Referring to the NT Pharisees) Why do the religious leaders don't like Jesus'?
Me: Because He was doing great things and saying that He was God's Son and they didn't understand. Their hearts were closed up really tight.
S: But He does good work.
Me: Yes, He is doing very good work, offering us grace and salvation.
S: And flowers and bunnies! And birds and homes and clothes! And then after He worked really hard to make all of everything He was tired and had to rest.
Me: He did rest after creating everything, not really because He was tired, but because He wanted to show us the importance of rest and the importance of the Sabbath.
S:When you're sick, rest is best!

July 1st
I made some awesome fried chicken for dinner... When I served it to Sophia she looked up at me and said, "Mom, I'm gonna need some bacon"
I can't tell it that's a good sign or an indication that we've ruined her...

July 14th

Sophia: Mom, you don't have a tail. You're a human. That's why.

July 19th
Sophia Quote of the evening:
Jeff (while pointing at a piece of cheese Sophia had): What is that piece of cheese?
Sophia: It's just cheese.
Jeff: Where did you get it? From the floor?
Sophia: No. It's from that shoe over there...

July 23rd
Convo with Sophia:
S: I had a dream of Jamison getting baptized like Kaili.
Me: Oh yeah? Do you know what that means?
S: It is like what you do when you get older in the water at church.
Me: What is a Christian?
S: Can you just tell me?
Me: A Christian is a person who loves and follows Jesus. A Christian is a person who asks Jesus to make them more like Him. And when a person becomes a Christian they get baptized at church to show everyone that they want to follow Jesus.
S: Oh now I know! Carly is a Christian because she got baptized!
Me: Yep. Carly is a Christian.
S: When I'm old like Carly, I will be a Christian too.
Me: I certainly hope so!
S: I will Mom! I know it. I will.

August 2nd
Sophia: Dad, you're the betterest dad.

August 10th
8 hours in the car today... Sophia spent the entire time cycling through asking for snacks, figuring out different ways to make Aaryn scream and singing random songs. Her chart topper today went like this:
"Bugs. Stay out there!
Don't come in here!
This is our car, our car
Yeah yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah. Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah"
August 11th
Sophia: My new favorite animal is a dinosaurus.
Me: You mean a dinosaur?
S: No. A dinosaurus.... And dragons.

August 12th
Sophia was saying she wanted to be a chef when she grows up but today she changed her mind.
"I want to be an animal doctor and a farmer so I can save the dinosauruses when they are sick and they will live on my farm."

August 14th
Little Miss Theatrical today after nap:
"Mom! Aaryn didn't take a nap! She just made a mess! She made it on my bed! She made it on the floor. She made it over there and she made it by the door!
Betsy doesn't like it, I don't like it! You don't like it and Pierre doesn't like it. She's the biggest mess maker ever!"
So, sometimes I do lecture them in a Dr. Seussical fashion to get them to pay attention... Apparently it is rubbing off...

August 21st
Sophia's quote of the day:
S: Can I walk to the park to find my friends?
Me: No, Mommy can't go with you right now and you can't go by yourself.
S: But God will go with me, so can I?

August 29th
Sophia's quote of the day to a friend while helping me taking clothes off the drying rack outside:
"Ava! You want to come help me do laundry? It is so fun! I always love doing chores."
This needs to be put on record for when she is 13 and doesn't like to help anymore.

September 5th
Sophia, while holding a wet rag in her hand:
"Um, Mom? Can I clean the floors?"

September 11th
Sophia's Quote of the Day happened during our devotion and prayer before bed time tonight. After we read a couple verses in Philippians we were talking about Paul being in prison for sharing the Gospel, which led us to talking about how God changed Paul's heart on the road to Damascus, and that brought us around to asking Sophia if God could change other people's hearts too.
S: Oh yes! First He makes you blind. And then He changes your heart from black and angry to good, so you can see again.
And then she followed that up with a prayer thanking God for letting Paul go to prison so that he could tell more people about Jesus.