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Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Bloggers Block

I've been so busy reading and writing for school that I haven't taken any time to think of what to write blog posts about. Of course Jeff and I would decide to keep a blog right at the beginning of another busy semester. By the time that I have a free minute to dedicate to writing, my brain is backed up against a brick wall. So I looked up a list of blog writing prompts. Sorry if that's cheating but I really needed the help.

One of the ideas was to write a review about something that you use on a daily basis. I was like, what? What do I use on a daily basis? Coffee pot, the car, the bathroom... I'm pretty certain that our coffee pot is the most generic one on the market, so there's nothing really special to say there. Our car, though a good car that does it's job, is also not really anything special. And no...I won't be writing a review on the bathroom. ;) Maybe one day when I'm overseas and using a squatty potty I'll let the world know how it goes.

Another one of the ideas was to get a free makeover, describe the day and post before and after pictures...Well, anyone who knows me knows that I don't wear make-up...ever. I think that I can count on one hand the number of times that I have worn make-up in the past 5 years. Once was when Jeff and I got married, once at my brother-in-laws wedding, once at a friend's wedding and maybe one or two of the last 5 Easters. It's just that my face + make-up= break out. Every. Single. Time. So sorry, but that won't be the topic of this blog post either.

So, what to write about? I honestly have no idea. Maybe sometime in the near future my kid will do something completely hilarious and I can write about that. Until then I guess I will just keep brainstorming.