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Tuesday, April 25, 2017

First Day on the Job

We've been here since about the middle of January, about three months. We've seen and done a lot of things since we moved. Most of what we've been posting here has been funny little stories or cultural situations that we have found ourselves in and somehow connected to our spiritual walk with God.
So at some point, some of the 40 or so people who read this blog (that's right, I know) may start to wonder just why are we here, and what are we doing, what are we supposed to be doing?*
Well, wonder no longer! The weather allowed me and my national partner, Rudy to make a trip out to Dinagat a couple of weeks ago, our first such work trip. We were supposed to meet at a mall at 5 am to get to the bus terminal to get to a city called Surigao City, about three and a half to four hours away. We were on a time crunch because the ONLY ferry that went to where we were going on Dinagat that day left at noon. Well, I missed my alarm and woke up to Hollie saying "Jeff, the sun's up", then speed walking to the mall to meet my very patient partner, we set of to the terminal and got on the cheap bus, without AC.
The buses are interesting, much like the city multicabs, they pick up whoever flags them and fills up the bus way more that it needs to be...
At one point, while most people on the bus were trying to take a nap, we were at another terminal getting yet more passengers when blaring rock music poured onto the bus and a semi blind man walked on singing and begging for money.
A few hours later this guy brought four or five roosters on the bus in woven bags to keep them calm.
Not much else to say about that.
We finally made it to Surigao and got a motorbike to carry us to the pier and made it onto the right ferry with a few minutes to settle in and get some water (we had missed breakfast and lunch by this point and had nothing to drink) before the ferry left for Tubajon.
We made it safely and walked to short walk to the church where we would be staying.
After some kape and pan (coffee and bread) we got to work meeting with the Pastor. We spent that afternoon and all next day seeing how we can help him and his church with the vision God has given them to do evangelism all over Dinagat.
We also spent some time taking about plans for the upcoming mission trip this summer and we were able to do some surveying of Tubajon for future work.
While we were there we got to participate in a cottage prayer meeting, where​ we learned that two new families started going to that church because of work that SRC was apart of, and so that's really cool to see that fruit.
We sang hymns in Cebuano and had a lami kaayo (very delicious) soup-like dessert made with sweet potato and banana. I got a chance to try my Cebuano out and overall it was an awesome experience with other believers.
That night we settled in for a brief rest because we had to be up at three to catch the ferry back to Surigao. This time we sat at the very back of the bus where we learned what "whip lash" really means while eight people sat in the space of four seats.
After arriving at the bus terminal cramped and somehow sunburned I had another multicab and a tryke to get me home. Then a good cold shower and spending time with my family. Aahhh
Overall it was a really good trip, where we learned some of the challenges that await us on Dinagat while getting a chance for fellowship and planning.
I can't wait to go back in May, when their Church anniversary is with all of the Rathbuns, that will really be an adventure.

*I would like to say that our main focus right now is language study. That is our job now, taking up 15+ hours a week, and if/when we don't treat is as such then we run the risk of not pushing ourselves and falling behind in class.

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