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Friday, February 10, 2017

And the ants go marching on

So, as many of you who are following our little adventure know, we have ants here. They are in our house. They are pretty much wherever they want to be in our house, whenever they want to be there. We will be walking through the house, or the girls will be going up stairs, or we will be sitting down to eat, or going to the bathroom, or sitting and watching Hi-5 (Australian Disney show) and we will look up and see a red line of terror winding it's way down the wall, to the floor, to wherever there is any small crumb that was missed sweeping or recently dropped by a two year old. Gang, these little dudes are hard to kill. Not only will they scoot their line a few inches from where we just sprayed and continue their march of perpetuity, they are like Texas fire ants, but without the long burn. We have been told by another missionary family here that the battle against this foe is never won, never finished.
Now hear me: I do not mean to complain, God has blessed our family with an awesome house, and the insect issue could be worse (much, much worse; think flying two inch roaches worse). This is just part of being here in the Philippines. In a way, it could be viewed as a sort of odd bonding experience that God is using to show our family that we fight whatever biting, stinging issues that trail into our family, and we do so together, warning each other and helping each other out. Maybe this is a team building exercise for us. Maybe this is a metaphor for spiritual warfare. Maybe God will use the ants to push us to make connections to find out local ways of dealing with them (we've been told pouring gasoline around the outside of your house daily is effective)Or maybe it's just ants 😁. Any way we slice it, God is good, and even if the flying roaches decide to invade our house, we will *try* to praise God, even when they decide to bite.

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