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Wednesday, February 17, 2016


Imagine living in a mountain village situated on an island located in a remote part of the world. Education is very limited, clean water and food are often inaccessible, and to make things worse – there is a spiritual darkness which persists because most people have never heard the gospel and how they can find hope and peace in Jesus Christ. That place is Tubajon on Dinagat Island, a remote part of the Philippines.

The desire of God's heart is that from every boy and girl to every grandparent - all would have an opportunity to hear His gospel and trust in Christ for their salvation.
Last summer Jeff accompanied a team from our church, Solid Rock, on a trip to Mindanao Island in the Philippines. As part of an ongoing partnership with a church there, their aim was to help meet some of the spiritual and physical needs. During that trip they installed a water pump to bring water up to the mountain village, and they assisted in discipleship with some new believers. We praise God for that opportunity to serve Him.

During that trip, God began to mold the passion we have for ministering to the lost into the vision of being a family on mission – sent out by our local church – to the Philippines. God's word is clear that we are to “go and make disciples of all nations” as “witnesses” and “ambassadors” of Christ even to “the ends of the earth”. “Therefore, God exalted him (Jesus) to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”

God's heart is that all those on Mindanao and Dinagat Islands have and opportunity to hear of and believe in Jesus Christ as Lord. 

 We are ready to step forward and say to God, “hear I am, use me”. Our church is ready to move forward with their partnership in this area. Now, we need many others to join us as our prayer and support team. We've been praying and planning for several months, and along with our church believe God is leading in the following direction.

In late April we will travel to both Mindanao and Dinagat Islands to start preparations for our family moving there with a three year commitment to church planting in Tubajon. In order to plant a church, and assist with other churches, we must learn Tagalog language. So, during this initial trip we will visit a couple of schools where we may begin that process later this year once we move there. We will also be scouting projects for our summer mission team

During May and June, Jeff will work with our church and the summer mission team, preparing for their trip in July – which Jeff will also go on.

Then, after the birth of baby Rathbun #3 (due August 8th) we will start the process of moving our family – first to Mindanao for language training – and then on to Tubajon where we can focus on church planting for up to three years.


  1. Pray for our spiritual preparedness as we go.
  2. Ask God to begin preparing the hearts of those we will meet and have chances to share Christ with.
  3. Life up our physical preparedness as well - and the health of all the children as we go.
  4. Ask God to raise up a "Prayer Team" to join us in His work among the Tubajon people.
  5. Pray also that God will raise up financial supporters who will commit to help us with all the expenses associated with reaching the Tubajon people.

    Please consider partnering with us in prayer – and being part of our ongoing Prayer Team. We need those who will lift us up now – but will commitment to praying for us and the Tubajon people on a regular basis. You can do that as part of your personal prayer time or as part of a prayer time with your family. You could easily incorporate prayer for us and the Tubajon in a special time you spend teaching your children to pray for the world.

    You may also feel led to become part of God's work among the Tubajon by financially supporting us and helping to meet the expenses associated with this mission. Our church, Solid Rock, will play a large role in financially supporting us – but understandably they can't meet all the financial needs of this mission.

    Initially we need to raise $1400 each for the vision / scouting trip which will be in April. Later, we'll also need to raise additional finances to help cover costs associated with the summer mission trip and then our move to the Philippines. Knowing that we are following God's will, please pray that the Lord would meet all these needs “exceeding beyond all we could ask or imagine” according to His will.

    We are so appreciative for your involvement and help with moving toward seeing a church planted among the Tubajon people. We know that “the desire of God's heart is that from every boy and girl to every grandparent – every Tubajon person would have an opportunity to hear His gospel and trust in Christ for their salvation.”

    Contact us for more information on being on our Prayer Team and for financially supporting us.